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    Lake Lui is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at National Taiwan University. Her research examines how global forces such as economic restructuring, migration, and sociocultural changes interact with national policies in affecting gender relations and the family in Asia. Her research uses both qualitative and quantitative methods to examine marriage formation process, household dynamics, and fertility decisions. Her most recent works probed the relationship among im/mobilities, political contestations, and political repression, and the family's role in weathering changes. She loves doing fieldwork and doing demographic research and has a strong belief in using mixed methods to generate new knowledge. 

  • Education

    • Ph.D. Department of Sociology, University of Washington, 2015
    • M.Phil. Department of Sociology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009
    • PgDip. Department of Education (English), University of Hong Kong, 2003
    • BSS. Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Hong Kong (First Class Honors), 2002

  • Publication

    Books/ Book chapters

    Lui, Lake. 2013. Re-negotiating Gender: Household Division of Labor when She earns more than He does. Springer Ltd.


    Lui, Tai Lok, and Lake Lui. 2014. Reduced concept of citizenship: social order and community activity. In Lui Tai Lok’s The Hong Kong Stories in the 70s. Xianggang : Zhonghua shu ju. (Written in Chinese).

    Journal Articles


    1) International migration


    Lui, Lake, Manlin Cai, Yue Qian. 2024. "Comfortably 'Western:' How Chinese International Students Imagine Canada." Canadian Ethnic Studies. DOI: 10.1353/ces.2024.a934427


    Lui, Lake, and Yuan Hsiao. 2024. Exit-voice dynamics: How do Hong Kong people respond to democratic backsliding?. International Migration Review.


    Lui, Lake, and Karen M.Y. Lee. 2023. "Hong Kong Migrants’ Divergent Experiences in Australia: A Multi-level Spatio-temporal Approach." American Behavioral Scientist. DOI: 10.1177/00027642231192012. (Online first)


    Lui, Lake, Ken C.Y. Sun, Yuan Hsiao. 2022. “How Families Affect Aspirational Emigration Amidst Political Insecurity: The Case of Hong Kong.” Population, Space and Place 28(4): e2528.


    Lui, Lake, and Sara R. Curran. 2020. " 'I Wish I Were a Plumber!': Transnational Class Re-Constructions Across Migrant Experiences Across Hong Kong’s Professionals and Managers." Current Sociology 68(7): 872–890.



    2) Hong Kong / China Studies


    Lui, Lake. 2024. "Winning quietly: Hong Kong educators’ resistance to National Security Education." Sociological Review 72(2): 451-470.


    Lui, Lake. 2023. "National Security Education and the Infrapolitical Resistance of Parent-Stayers in Hong Kong." Journal of Asian and African Studies 58(1) 86–100.


    Shin, Solee, and Lake Lui. 2022. "Guanxi and Moral Articulation: Strategies of Corruption During China’s Anti-Corruption Drive. "Journal of Development Studies 58(6): 1124–1139


    Lui, Lake. 2022. "‘Multiple Careers’: Towards a Post-Work Way of Life." Journal of Contemporary Asia 52(4): 532-553.
    * Outstanding Paper Award for Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference 2020/21



    3) Gender, family, and marriage


    Cheng, Ka-lok Adam, Lake Lui, and Zheng Mu. 2024. "Political Efficacy and Fertility Intentions: A Survey Experiment Study in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore." Social Science Research. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0049089X2400036X?dgcid=author


    Cheng, Ka-lok Adam, and Lake Lui. 2024. "The Personal is Political: Political Attitudes, Affective Polarization and Fertility Preferences in Hong Kong." Population Research and Policy Review.


    Cheung, Ka-Lok Adam, and Lake Lui. 2024. "Outsourcing domestic work: A double-edged sword for marital relations among dual-earner couples." Family Relations 73(2): 1139-1158.


    Lui, Lake, and Adam Ka-lok Cheung. 2023. "Finishing the “unfinished revolution”?: College-educated mothers’ resistance to intensive mothering." Gender, Work and Organizations. https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.13065


    Cheung, Ka-lok, and Lake Lui. 2022. Does domestic help reduce household labor? The paradox of parenting and outsourcing. Current Sociology 70(6): 921–942.


    Lui, Lake, and Kam Wing Chan. 2022. The Emergence of Gendered and Classed Moral Identities in Liminal Rural-Urban Spaces in Guangdong China. Eurasian Geography and Economics 63(2): 239-258.


    Lui, Lake, and Adam Ka‐Lok Cheung. 2021. "Family policies, social norms and marital fertility decisions: A quasi‐experimental study." International Journal of Social Welfare 30: 396–409.


    Lui, Lake. 2021. Filial Considerations in Mate Selection: Urban and Rural Guangdong in the Post-Mao Era. Modern China 47(4): 383–411.


    Lui, Lake, and Chin-fen Chang. 2020. Gendering the job demands-resources model: work-family conflict in Taiwan. Families, Relationships, and Societies 9(3): 431–450.


    Lui, Lake, and Keelee Chou. 2019. Stay-at-Home Fathers: Trends and Characteristics. Asian Population Studies 15(3): 282-301. DOI: 10.1080/17441730.2019.1660095.


    Lui, Lake. 2018. Marital Power in Inter-Hukou Families in China: An Intersectionality Approach. Journal of Family Issues 39(5): 1165-1190. DOI: 10.1177/0192513X17692378.


    Lui, Lake. 2017. Hukou Intermarriage in China: Patterns and Trends. Chinese Sociological Review 49(2): 110-137. DOI: 10.1080/21620555.2016.1231570.


    Cheung, Adam, and Lake Lui. 2017. Hiring Domestic Help in Hong Kong: The Role of Gender Attitude and Wives’ Income. Journal of Family Issues 38(1): 73-99. DOI: 10.1177/0192513X14565700.


    Lui, Lake. 2016. Gender, Rural-Urban Inequalities and Intermarriages in China. Social Forces 95(2): 639-662. DOI: 10.1093/sf/sow076.


    Lui, Lake. 2016. Sexual Harassment of Women in China: The Role of Liberal Sex Attitudes. Social Transformation in Chinese Society 12(2): 181-196. DOI: 10.1108/STICS-08-2016-0014.* The Emerald Literati Outstanding Paper Award, 2017


    Lui, Lake, and Yuk Ping Choi. 2015. Not Just Mum and Dad: The Role of Children in Exacerbating Gender Inequalities in Childcare. Journal of Family Issues 36(13): 1829-1853. (Equal author). DOI: 10.1177/0192513X13510300.


    Groves, Julian, and Lake Lui. 2012. The ‘Gift’ of Help: Domestic Helpers and the Maintenance of Hierarchy in the Household Division of Labour. Sociology 46(1): 57-73. DOI: 10.1177/0038038511416166.


    Lui, Lake. 2010. Doing Gender, Undoing Gender or Redoing Gender: Household Division of Labor for Status Reversed Couples. Social Transformation in Chinese Society 4: 8-35.

  • Research Projects


    (PI) 專題研究計畫(一般研究計畫) 【台灣人對於工作移民權利與入籍的看法:透過多元交織視角的檢視】funded by National Science Council. (113-2410-H-002 -078 -SS3). TWD$2,450,000.


    (PI)學術研究生涯發展研究計畫深耕型計畫【家庭、遷徙,與去留之間的兩難: 香港專業工作者的跨國比較研究】funded by NTU. TWD$2,550,000.


    (PI) 專題研究計畫(一般研究計畫)【台灣少子化問題:公共政策、職場文化、與性別不平等】funded by Ministry of Science and Technology. (111-2410-H-002-007-SS2). TWD$2,289,000.


    (PI) 高等教育深耕計畫─核心研究群計畫【國安法下的香港:港人抗爭與移民的抉擇】funded by NTU. TWD$500,000 per year for three years.


    (Co-Director) Transnational Mobility and Migration Policies: A Comparative Case Study on the Flow of Overseas Chinese Graduate Students in the US and Canada after Graduation. RG011-A-19. Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, Taiwan, US$20,000 (Director: Qian Yue, University of British Columbia; Collaborators: Sara Curran, University of Washington; Yuying Tong, Chinese University of Hong Kong).


    (PI) Centralizing Families Amid Political Uncertainties: How “Flexibly Mobile” are the Young Professionals in Hong Kong?, Funded by Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Departmental General Research Fund US$11,397


    (PI) Emigration and Protests: Hong Kong Young People’s Mobilities During Political Insecurity, Funded by Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Start-up Grant, US$25,641


    (PI) Family Policies, Social Norms and Fertility Decisions: A Survey Experiment

    Collaborative project with Adam Cheung, Funded by Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office, Public Policy Research Funding, US$98,045


    (PI) Hong Kong Chinese Stayers and Movers Field Research in Vancouver, Seattle, and Hong Kong
    Collaborative project with Sara Curran, University of Washington, Funded by Education University of Hong Kong, Internal Research Grant, US$12,817

  • Teaching

    Courses taught

    Methods of Social Research (undergraduate level)

    Sociological Research Methods (graduate level)

    Sociology of Gender

    Seminar of Chinese Culture and Society


  • Contact

    Address: Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd. Taipei 10617 Taiwan


    Email address: lakelui21@ntu.edu.tw